About New African Spirituality

Many people have been writing and asking me, what is New African Spirituality? Of course, people can read many of my articles and see that I write about Orishas, chakras, and energy healing. However, there is a much deeper purpose to the website. New African Spirituality is about self-development.

I have learned that millions of people in the United States suffer from depression, abuse, and other illnesses. People contact me and tell me horror stories about their lives. They speak of the awful things that have been done to them, and the terrible things that they have done to others. Then, I have people who contact me and have read every self-help and spiritual book in the world, and they're still lost. They are looking for me to help them, to give them advice about love, relationships, and good health.

I was on that same path, just a few years ago. I soaked up knowledge like a dry sponge, I went to workshops and numerous seminars, and yet, I still didn't really know anything. That was until I started studying Yoruba, and the principles of Ifa. It was then that I realized that the essence of spirituality is growth. If we as people are not developed, we are not going to be able to attract abundance, success, and love into our lives.

Enlightenment is about finding the light that is within. However, we can only do that if we take the time to reflect, to meditate, to go within and explore who we truly are. This process starts with "reprogramming." So many people have been programed to believe that African religions are dark and evil. There are some people who think it is a taboo to even mention Santeria, or Vodun. This kind of programing works as a dark cloud that hovers over us. For true development involves healing, and the first step to healing is awareness. The second step is acceptance of all things, the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Many people fail to develop because they are constantly looking outside of themselves. They become mechanical, going through the motions, without understanding the true essence of enlightenment, which is inner peace that comes from beyond the mind. People who are mechanical become zealots. They can always find fault in others but have a blind eye when it comes to their own flaws. These are the people who take the time to send me hate mail.

I am not looking to argue with anybody, for I am also on the journey to enlightenment. I used to point my finger and the play the blame game too. However, over the years I realized that there is really no need to do that. We are all one, and race, sex, gender and religious preferences are just programs that work to tear us apart. My job is to bring people together. My purpose is to raise awareness and help everyone understand that we are all looking for the same thing, inner peace. We all just have African spirituality different ways of finding it.

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